Album: Between the Rains, Vol. 2

  • Music by Between the Rains.
  • 8 music files
  • 8 different main compositions
  • 24-bit & 16-bit
  • Stem files: No

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Between the Rains, Vol. 2


  • Between the Rains – Cherished Memories – (ISRC: NOAV62204212)
  • Between the Rains – Hold On To the Light – (ISRC: NOAV62204213)
  • Between the Rains – Into the Unknown – (ISRC: NOAV62204218)
  • Between the Rains – Rise and Shine – (ISRC: NOAV62204223)
  • Between the Rains – Searching – (ISRC: NOAV62204224)
  • Between the Rains – Speak from the Heart – (ISRC: NOAV62204225)
  • Between the Rains – The Longing Within – (ISRC: NOAV62204228)
  • Between the Rains – Twilight Pursuit – (ISRC: NOAV62204236)

foreboding, ominous, uncertainty, uncertain, anxious, brooding, ethnic, exotic, eastern, wistful, mellow, melancholy, melancholic, sad, sad piano, sorrow, sorrowful, introspective, dark, investigation, forensics, mystery, detective, introspection, reflective, reflection, contemplation, contemplative, thoughtful, thinking, drama, film, movie, reflective piano, reflective ambient, ambient, passionate, haunting, ambiant, moody, cinematic, lonely, regret, regretful, somber, solemn, thoughtful documentary, meditative, emotional