Epic, Heroic & Edgy, Vol. 1

  • Music by Krzysztof Rzeznicki & Bjørn Lynne.
  • 116 music files
  • 11 different main compositions
  • 24-bit & 16-bit
  • Stem files: No

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Bjørn Lynne, Krzysztof Rzeznicki - Epic Heroic & Edgy, Vol. 1


  • Krzysztof Rzeznicki – Immortal Warriors – (ISRC: NOAV62002171)
  • Krzysztof Rzeznicki – Ministry of Judgment – (ISRC: NOAV62002111)
  • Krzysztof Rzeznicki – Outbreak – (ISRC: NOAV62002141)
  • Bjørn Lynne – Forces of Sparta – (ISRC: NOAV61909201)
  • Bjørn Lynne – Arise – (ISRC: NOAV61605811)
  • Bjørn Lynne – No Regrets – (ISRC: NOAV62005740)
  • Bjørn Lynne – Betrayal – (ISRC: NOAV61902081)
  • Bjørn Lynne – Dawn of Justice – (ISRC: NOAV61605821)
  • Bjørn Lynne – Stronger Than Ever – (ISRC: NOAV61909141)
  • Bjørn Lynne – Break Apart – (ISRC: NOAV61909181)
  • Bjørn Lynne – March to Victory – (ISRC: NOAV61902011)

Further tags / keywords for this release:

cinematic, orchestral, patriotic, rousing, heroes, hero, heroic, amazed, amazing, adventure, adventurous, movie soundtrack, film soundtrack, filmscore, hollywood, grand, epic, drama, dramatic, symphonic, history, historical, europe, european, percussion, large, pompous, excited, exciting, forceful, trailer, energy, energetic, inspiring, big drums, climactic, huge, majestic, epic music, epic trailer, epic trailers, sparta, spartan, valiant, fantasy, fantastic, amazement, glory, glorious, great, greatness, epicness, pounding, uprising, rising up, powerful, battle drums, battle music, fantasy trailer, invasion, invaders, horde, warrior, warriors, army, marching, to war, warfare, dark, tense, tension, threat, threatening, danger, extreme danger, doom, gloom, planet apocalypse, apocalypse, apocalyptic, armageddon, destroy, destruction, superhero, dark hero, big drums, terror, trailer music, trailer track, war, war music, battle, dangerous, virus, pandemic, covid-19, covid 19, covid19, scary, doomsday, doom laden, gloomy, edgy, gritty, intense, anxious, scared, critical, ominous, foreboding, crime, criminal, crime in progress, violence, violent, military, enemy, enemies, horror, vicious, scifi, sci fi, sci-fi, science fiction, blockbuster, metal impacts, future, futuristic, space, massive impact, brutal, the edge, fight, conflict, space war, gunfight, wonderment, awe, impact, crisis, gigantic, massive, gothic, dramatic trailer, fighting, blood sports, boxing, brawling, fusion, action movie, action, power, film trailer, darkness, army uprising, army rising, rising army, hell, hellish, , big, suspense, dramatic distorted, deep, brass, orchestra, victory, victorious, gladiator, gladiators, super hero, superheroes, marvel, preparing for battle, battle preparation, thriller, action thriller, awesome, grandeur, regal, 300, invader, armed conflict, war zone, warzone, attack, wonder, journey, triumph, triumphant, reflective, reflection, melancholic, melancholy, nature, emotional